ManPage Apix\Plugin\ManPage

The ManPage Plugin for APIx is just like man page for UNIX.

An intro

Its main goal is to generate up-to-date and human-friendly manual of your API and document all of its resources.

The manual comes in two parts:
  • The main section which provides:
    • a list of all your (public) resources.
    • documents all the Inputs and Outputs.
  • The resource section which:
    • describes each resource in details,
    • uses PHPDoc (and Javadoc) annotation format.


This plugin is part of the core distribution and enable by default. For more information see Managing plugins.


You can learn much more about the routing system in the Routing chapter.

Plugin options

Option Description
enable boolean Default True. Wether to enable or not this plugin.
example string String to append to extracted @example.
see string String to append to extracted @see.
link string String to append to extracted @link.
copyright string String to append to extracted @copyright.
license string String to append to extracted @license.

Basic usage

Here is an example of annotating a simple resource.

$api = new Apix\Server();

     * Title - short description.
     * Long description.
     * @param   string      $where      Default "London". The location name.
     * @param   type        $type       Optional. A beer type e.g. Larger, Pale Ale, Stout.
     * @global  integer     $limit      Default 100. The number of brand to list.
     * @return type                     The response description.
     function ($where, $type=null) {
        // ...

Generic annotation

Title - Short description

A short and concise description or title for the resource. It represents its Synopsis. It cannot be more than one line long. And generally ends with a period. Markup of any kind are not permitted.

Long description

A more detailled description of the resource which can pan over multi-lines. Markup are permitted.

Essential annotation tags

Annontation Description
@param type $name description Documents a resource path parameter.
@global type $name description Documents a request’s query string parameter.
@return type description Provides the Response of a resource.


If the @param or @global are optional with a default value. It is good practice to indicate it before the description as per the example further above.

Additional tags

Annontation Description
@usage /resource/:var Overrides the Synopsy’s Usage field.
@example description This tag is use to
@see reference Provides a “See also” to some element of documentation.
@link <url> Displays a link to some pages.
@copyright description Documents some copyrights details.
@license <url> name Provides the name and URL of a relevant license.