Auth Apix\Plugin\Auth

The Auth Plugin for APIx provides an authentification mechanism for your API.

This is enable thru method/closure’s annotation for each resource that require users or groups authentification.


This plugin is part of the core distribution. It is enable by default. For more information see Managing plugins.

Generic Usage

In order to inforce authentification of a resource, your need to use the @api_auth tag annotation.

use Apix;

$api = new Apix\Server();

     * ...
     * @api_auth   groups=clients,testers   users=franck
     function ($name) {
        // whatever...

In the example above, only the specified users and/or groups will be given access on succesful autentification.

Authentification is skipped altogether, if:
  • groups and users are not provided in @api_auth,
  • if one of the group is set to the same value as ‘public_group’ (set to “public” by default).

Configurable options

The main configurable options are:


This options is set to the string public by default. Use this option to change this value to fit your requirments.


Currently, two adapters are shipped with the main distribution.


This adapter provides HTTP Basic access authentication.

Use this over HTTPS as the credentials are not encrypted or hashed in any way.

An example of implementation:

use Apix;
$adapter = new Plugin\Auth\Basic($c['api_realm']);
$adapter->setToken(function (array $current) use ($c) {
    $users = Service::get('users_example');
    foreach ($users as $user) {
            if (
                $current['username'] == $user['username']
                && $current['password'] == $user['api_key']
            ) {
                Service::get('session', $user);

                return true;

        return false;


This adapter provides HTTP Digest access authentication.

It is use to encrypt and salt the user’s credentials can be used with or without SSL.

An example of implementation:

use Apix;
$adapter = new Plugin\Auth\Digest($c['api_realm']);
$adapter->setToken(function (array $current) use ($c) {
    $users = Service::get('users_example');
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        if (
            $user['username'] == $current['username']
            && $user['realm'] == $c['api_realm']
        ) {
            Service::get('session', $user);

            // Digest match againt your selected token.
            return $user['api_key'];

    return false;